Cholesterol and Your Diet

It seems that we hear about lowering our cholesterol levels all the time: from our doctor in the media and even from our friends. Lower cholesterol levels in our body reduce our chances of heart …

It seems that we hear about lowering our cholesterol levels all the time: from our doctor in the media and even from our friends. Lower cholesterol levels in our body reduce our chances of heart attacks, strokes, and other major health conditions that can shorten our lives.

Cholesterol is a Soft Fatty Substance That is Found in the Foods We Eat.

It gets transferred into our bodies, bloodstream, and directly into our cells. This fatty substance can travel through the body and cause serious health risks.

Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels Can be Done in Different Ways.

Controlling our diet is one of the most effective and easiest ways to lower our cholesterol levels, and to lower the risks of many different, and serious health issues.

The Main Ingredient to Watch For in Our Diets is High-Fat Foods.

Fat is one of the best sources of energy for our bodies, however too much fat causes high cholesterol levels in our blood stream. Avoid eating too much meat, poultry, and yokes of eggs. These food groups contain high levels of protein which can raise your cholesterol level.

Other foods which contain trans fat or vegetable oil are also bad for people who are trying to lower their cholesterol levels. Olive, canola, and cottonseed oils are a better choice, and do not raise cholesterol levels. Natural butter and other dairy products are also known to raise cholesterol levels.

Read the labels on non-dairy butter spreads to ensure you are getting a product that doesn’t raise cholesterol levels. Also, raising our fiber levels in our diet combats high cholesterol.

Bottom Line: Reducing the Cholesterol in Your Diet is Essential For Maintaining a Healthy Body.