Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy Care Chiropractic Treatment in CT & NY

Joints connect bones and are essential to movement. Constant usage makes joints prone to injury and over-exertion. The resulting damage can cause a great deal of suffering.

Soreness and pain in joints stem from many disparate origins and causes. However, you can alleviate joint pain with natural, holistic methods as opposed to surgery and other invasive procedures.

At Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, we’ll first examine and diagnose your joint pain, uncovering the root causes of the dysfunction. We’ll determine whether it’s a degenerative condition or an acute or chronic injury. Then we’ll use the many modalities at our disposal to ameliorate the pain.

Our chiropractic manipulation techniques reduce pressure, restore normal ranges of motion, and allow tissues to begin healing properly.

Diet may also be a factor. Unbeknownst to you, the food you eat every day could be causing inflammation. Our certified nutritionists and registered dietitians can help you reduce your medicine and get you on the right track.

Tenderness, pain, and soreness of the joints is no joke, and we know it. But there’s no reason to give up hope. PMR’s comprehensive, compassionate professionals are ready to help you feel great again.

Are you ready for a consultation? Contact one of our offices. We will schedule an appointment and help you ease the pain that you are experiencing.