High Blood Pressure Diet

High blood pressure is a serious matter. People who suffer from high blood pressure are more susceptible to serious and often fatal illnesses. High blood pressure has been linked to many medical conditions such as: …

High blood pressure is a serious matter. People who suffer from high blood pressure are more susceptible to serious and often fatal illnesses. High blood pressure has been linked to many medical conditions such as:

  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Diabetes

There are medications that your doctor can prescribe, that will lower your blood pressure. Eating the right foods, and maintaining a healthy diet, will also keep your blood pressure down.

What People with High Blood Pressure Should Avoid

Avoiding alcohol is a smart choice for people with high blood pressure. Alcohol raises your blood pressure immediately. Eating less salt and staying on a low sodium diet is essential. Too much salt causes your blood pressure to rise. Fatty foods don’t directly cause blood pressure to rise, however they do cause a strain on your heart which already is stressed because of your blood pressure. Fast food restaurants use a lot of Tran’s fats, and should be avoided or at least be moderated.

Better Choices for People With High Blood Pressure

Other fats such as olive oil and canola oil are ok to eat in moderation. Fresh vegetables and fruits are fine, so are low sodium beverages. It’s important to read the labels of processed foods. Most processed foods contain large amounts of sodium and fat. It is best to eat fresh food. Fish and chicken are better choices then red meat. Exercising such as walking is also a good way to keep your blood pressure down, along with eating properly. These choices are important for everyone but even more important for people who have high blood pressure.