Low Sodium Diet

We Live in a Fast Pace World, And Because of That, People Tend to Eat Too Much Processed Or Prepared Food. What most people don’t realize is that these processed foods often contain a large …

We Live in a Fast Pace World, And Because of That, People Tend to Eat Too Much Processed Or Prepared Food.

What most people don’t realize is that these processed foods often contain a large amount of sodium. Our bodies require sodium to maintain health however the amount of sodium in certain foods is way above the necessary amount needed, sometimes dangerously over the limit. A low sodium diet may be the right choice for some people who have certain health issues. It’s essential that people read the labels on food items to find out the amount of sodium they are ingesting.

What is a Low Sodium Diet?

A low sodium diet is basically a diet which contains no more then 2400 mgs of sodium per day. This figure can be lower depending on what your physician prescribes. To put this in perspective, a teaspoon of salt contains about 2300 mgs of sodium. The human body requires only about 69 mgs of sodium per day. Anything under 2400 mgs of sodium is considered a low sodium diet.

How to Control Sodium Levels

The best way to control your sodium levels is to stay away from salt, or foods that contain large amounts of salt. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and obviously don’t add table salt to the foods you are preparing. Avoid soda pop and water that is softened by the use of a water softener. If you do purchase processed foods, read the label. There are also many foods that are marketed as low sodium, but you should still read the label and the watch the portion intake.

There are dozens of different types of diets. Most of us have or will be on some type of diet in our lifetime. The most common reason for dieting is to lose weight. There are other reasons to diet such as for a serious medical condition. You might want to simply reduce salt in your daily life and may choose a low sodium diet.

Sodium Content Increases Blood Pressure

There are several medical reasons to be on a low sodium diet. One of the main reasons is to control your blood pressure. Sodium content increases blood pressure which leads to other medical issues. A low sodium diet also is good for people with heart and kidney disease.

A Low Sodium Diet Can Also Reduce Swelling and Water Retention

A low sodium diet is one of the most common diets. A low sodium diet can also reduce swelling and water retention, which can aid in relief of muscle pains as well as assisting in weight loss. Low sodium diets are not always used for medical conditions, but also for general overall good health.

Too much salt is bad no matter what, and a low sodium diet can be a great tool to ward off potential health conditions. A few simple things to remember on a low sodium diet:

  • Avoid table salt and don’t add salt while cooking.
  • Eat fresh vegetables instead of canned because sodium is often added.
  • Read all labels on canned foods.
  • Eliminate all salty snacks, and substitute them with fresh fruit or vegetables.