Low Sugar Diet

There are many different types of diets people try to follow. One of the most common diets is the low sugar diet. This diet is primarily for people who have Diabetes and need to control …

There are many different types of diets people try to follow. One of the most common diets is the low sugar diet. This diet is primarily for people who have Diabetes and need to control their glucose levels in their bodies. This is essential for people who have Type II Diabetes.

Americans Consume 2-3 Pounds of Sugar Per Week

This is an estimate and a dramatic amount of sugar. Too much sugar can make a person prone to Diabetes as well as causing other health problems. Choosing a low sugar diet can reduce the risks of these problems.

Strategies to Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Read the labels of the foods you purchase. Processed foods often contain large amounts of sugar, as well as sodium. Eating natural foods that contain low amounts of sugar is always the best way to reduce your sugar intake. There will be times when a person will have to eat processed foods, so reading the label is very important. Eating fewer quantities of high sugar foods will be necessary to control your sugar intake.

Check The Ingredients on Processed Foods

The ingredients are listed in order of the amount included in that product. In other words if sugar is listed first, this means that there is more sugar than any other ingredient in the item. Water is the best when it comes to the drinks we consume. Adding a bit of lemon or cucumber can flavor too. Sugar free flavored water is another alternative, but can be expensive. The best overall drink for controlling your sugar intake is plain water. Drinking plain water controls your spending too.