Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are a small collection of tissue that houses white blood cells. These cells are the fighting agents to many viruses that attack the body. …

Lymphoma and Ear Pain
Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are a small collection of tissue that houses white blood cells. These cells are the fighting agents to many viruses that attack the body. Having cancer to the lymph nodes is a serious and often terminal disease. The body will not be able to ward off any illnesses, and thus the victim will get sicker and can eventually perish.
One of the Most Common Symptoms Of Lymphoma is Pain in The Sides of The Neck Just Under The Ears
This is because the lymph nodes are located in this area. The pain can also occur in the ear itself, causing swollen lymph glands. It is very important to know that most ear and neck pain, associated with swollen lymph glands, is not lymphoma. In most cases, people discover that it is merely a virus, and can be cured with a simple anti-biotic.
The Only Sure Fire Way of Finding Out if The Swollen Glands are Lymphoma, is With a Biopsy
Ear pain can be associated with so many things such as a simple earache, a virus, a build up of wax in the ear, or even a medical condition involving the inner organs of the ear. Lymphoma is a possibility, but nobody should ever assume that this is the case without a complete examination. A doctor will be able to determine whether the ear pain could be lymphoma by looking at the additional symptoms. Having flu like symptoms along with ear pain usually leans toward a virus.