Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy in CT & NY

Cold Laser Therapy – the PMR Approach

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of NY & CT offers the best cutting edge healing technology currently available, cold laser therapy. Cold laser therapy uses light or photon energy to treat injuries. It can penetrate below the skin surface causing an increase in cellular metabolism, and it does this without any tissue damage. The reaction the body’s cells have to cold laser therapy is similar to the photosynthesis process. Healing time could be cut in half while receiving cold laser therapy.

The advantages achieved through cold laser therapy treatments are:

  • It is guaranteed to be non-invasive
  • It is an effective treatment for most of your sports-related injuries
  • It can give the best results for healing some of your wounds
  • It is an effective option when other treatments have failed

What You Can Expect from PMR

The cold laser is applied directly to the affected part of the body. The body then absorbs light energy from the laser, which then stimulates cells to produce greater amounts of cellular energy. Cold laser therapy is one part of our total treatment plan. Patients will receive a complete rehabilitation plan that will include physical activities that will strengthen the body, increase body flexibility, and enhance the quality of life. Patients will have access to a fully equipped gym, private treatment rooms, and state of the art equipment.

Is Cold Laser Therapy Safe?

Cold laser therapy has been used for over 30 years. It has also been called by different names such as low-level laser therapy, low power laser therapy, therapeutic laser or low-energy laser therapy. Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that is utilized by many professional and college athletes.

Can Cold Laser Therapy Help You?

Do you have:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • arthritis
  • back pain
  • sports injury

Are you unable to participate in sports?

Are your physical activities limited by your pain?

You may need the help of a cold laser therapy specialist.

Schedule an Appointment

Do you suffer from muscle pain, tendonitis, or tension myalgia? Have you been recently injured participating in sports? Do you have a nagging old injury? If you suffer from acute, chronic pain or other musculoskeletal disorders, contact Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of NY & CT for an appointment.