Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy in CT & NY

Massage therapy has many different uses in the modern world – a number of healing properties include improved circulation, decreased inflammation, and the promotion of rapid healing.

The doctor and massage therapist will discuss symptoms, medical history, and the desired results. Under the supervision of a doctor, the physical therapist will develop a customized massage therapy plan for the patient.

Referral Information is an Important Part of Developing the Massage Therapy Plan

Occupation and level of stress are also points of discussion. Some evaluations will be made through touch to determine the patient’s pressure tolerance. Depending on the condition, massage therapy may be localized, or total body.

Massage Therapy & Exercise

Massage therapy relieves muscle tension and pain, which will increase flexibility and mobility. It will rid the body of lactic acid and will reduce pain in muscles and joints. Patients will experience improved circulation because massage therapy helps bring oxygen and other nutrients to body tissue.

Athletes Often Need the Services of a Massage Therapist

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of NY & CT is health club based and the perfect massage therapy solution for all athletes. This gives the massage therapist the option to easily incorporate therapeutic exercise. Under doctor supervision, patients will be provided with a unique and customized recovery plan.

Benefits of Massage Therapy:

  • Alleviates your tension, both physical and emotional
  • Removes your joint pains and stiffness
  • Stops chronic back ache
  • Rejuvenates your body cells
  • Helps remove toxins and antioxidants from your skin Improves your blood flow

Schedule an Appointment

The benefits of massage therapy are varied and far-reaching. Massage therapy is an important part of providing you a complete solution to building a life of health and well being. If you have acute or chronic pain, sore muscles or are recovering from an injury, contact Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation of NY & CT for information on our massage therapy services or to make an appointment now.