Although we all know posture is important, we tend to lump it in with flossing, or avoiding our smartphone screens before bed: in other words, it’s the kind of thing your mother might harp on you about, but it just seems too inconvenient in our modern world. But would you still feel that way if …

Since time immemorial, people have believed that there are strong connections between the health of disparate areas of the body. Perhaps surprisingly, many of these beliefs have centered on the foot as a source of both sickness and healing. Here, we’ll take a closer look at some of these theories, examining them as they’ve evolved …

Though it’s been dismissed and stigmatized for much of our history, mental health is incredibly important—just as important as physical health, in fact. After all, how can the body function at maximum effectiveness if the brain—and all of the psychological factors that go along with it—has been neglected? Just under 10 percent of American adults …