For many Americans, vacation is a luxury, but it probably shouldn’t be. Though not required by law, paid vacation is one of the most common benefits offered by employers, and vacationing is important: it matters for our physical and mental health, productivity levels, and even overall happiness. Here are a few important reasons to make …

Some of us nap every day, while others shifted away from napping permanently when we made the switch from kindergarten to first grade—and forever lost out on that precious daily “nap time.” But is either group making the wrong choice? At PMR, we believe in individualized approaches, and napping is no different. While some may …

For those of us who devour health and nutrition tips, news, and strategies, it seems to have become a hard (and generally accepted) rule that “brown foods” are preferable to their white counterparts. We’re talking, of course, about common carb sources like whole wheat pasta, multigrain bread—and brown rice. Paired with veggies, beans, and other …